Additional Information: In this section, we will explain how to add labels to the graph, step by step.
Step 1:
Load your graph (the app only accepts SVG format) using the button at the top of the canvas labeled "Load Image."
Step 2:
To add a label, begin by clicking the "Add Element" button. Afterward, input the desired text within the box on the right. You'll observe the text materializing on the canvas at the top-left corner.
Step 3:
Begin modifying the characteristics of your text. You can click on the text to drag it across the canvas and then change its properties, such as Font, Size, Rotation, and Color.
Step 4:
Once you're satisfied with the drawn text and want to add more labels, click on "Add Element" again to add a second text and repeat the process.
Step 5:
If you've finished adding text to the canvas, you can download a TXT file containing the information of the drawn texts to keep a record. Click the "Download Data" button below the canvas.
Step 6:
You can also download the file in PDF format or SVG to maintain the same format using the "Download PDF" and "Download SVG" buttons, respectively, located below the canvas.
More Information about Adding Text from a TXT File.
This app allows the user to load a TXT file to print the text on the SVG as long as the TXT file follows this structure:
Name, X, Y, Size, Rotation, Color, Font.
Please note that the first line should be omitted.
Once you've created a second label, you won't be able to modify the first label. You can only drag it.
Known Bugs: After creating a text, you can drag it, and the coordinates will be updated in the table. However, if you've created several texts and you want to drag one that isn't the last, its coordinates won't update in the correct place. Instead, they will update in the last row of the table.